Since its creation in 1962, the Bucks County Redevelopment Authority has worked diligently to eliminate blight and help provide quality housing to Bucks County residents. In 1976 the County Commissioners and the Redevelopment Authority began the “Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program”. Since then, the Redevelopment Authority has utilized federal, state and local funds to improve more than 1,700 homes for low-to-moderate income residents of Bucks County.
The Bucks County Housing Rehabilitation Program is used for bringing homes up to code standards, heater and roof replacements, and in some situations may be used for modifications to make the home accessible for persons with a permanent disability. This is an ongoing and highly successful program used by homeowners with no other alternative to rehabilitating and saving their homes.
Under the Bucks County Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program, the maximum assistance amount is $15,000. Funding for rehabilitation work is typically provided to qualified homeowners in the form of a zero-interest loan which is not due for repayment until the home is either sold, refinanced or the deed is transferred. Loans are secured by a Note of Judgment on the property. Units rehabilitated under this program must meet the minimum housing codes in use within the municipality in which the home is located. If no codes exist, the home must meet the HUD Minimum Property Standards.